Connect 2014: Fitbit Report

The best advice I give to all Connect attendees is to wear comfortable shoes. This should show you why, it’s my Fitbit results for the days of Connect.


Since I usually stay the weekend, and take advantage of the Walt Disney World parks, this is the result of the week, including 3 Day Park Hopper Pass:


Wear comfortable shoes. And a Fitbit.

Visiting Two Parks – A Visual Treat

A friend of mine purchased, or was given (I can’t remember), a fancy watch. The GPS function will track his progress on the golf course, the road (he’s a runner), and, as it turns out, as he walks through amusement parks. With his family in tow. The first two pictures are of his travels through the Magic Kingdom.

The overall picture:


And then, the detailed picture of his travels through Magic Kingdom:


Yes, I find that “route” hilarious.

Finally, here he is, with his family, at Universal Islands of Adventure. He really wanted to see Harry Potter.


I need to ask him how far he walked. At both parks.